Football- and the old lady


Football – and the old lady
Sometimes only sometimes I feel a little bloated
kicked about, taken advantage of
But sometimes I feel like people love me
that I can help them have fun and fill them with laughter
Most of the time I am forgotten and I am no longer useful
I am also just chucked in the shed or left in the park
during cold and wet weather
People usually assume I don’t want to be played with
Just because I am a little worn out and wrinkly.
However my mother told me you only are as old as you feel
I feel so full of energy though, well, I used to feel that way
Until I was forgotten about and left in a house with nothing to do
Even my grandchildren don’ t come round to visit me anymore
I would rather be dead in the bin anything than this
My ultimate dream is to ...
be pumped up again and full of energy
to put a smile on peoples’ faces again
I want people to remember me.
That‘ s all. 
Olamide Jeboda
Y'POETRY Revue Voorronde Londen